Monthly Archives: May 2019

Enough with the Balloons, Already!

An article about the preparations for this year’s Indianapolis 500 race caught my eye last week. In the story, Indy Star reporters check the claim made by the organizers that the balloons they release every year to celebrate the event … Continue reading

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Organizational Cultures – a Matter of Life and Death Part II

For Part I, read here Last time, I was discussing the lessons that could be learned and applied from organizational problems at NASA and its contractors which led to the Challenger (and Columbia) disaster. This post builds off of some … Continue reading

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Organizational Cultures – a Matter of Life & Death Part I

For a few years, I’ve been interested in the formation, sustaining, and analysis of organizational culture. This refers to the ways in which organizations – be they corporations, universities, government agencies, charities, etc – operate. This operation necessarily includes both … Continue reading

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